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How do we sustain the livelihoods of Black/ Indigenous/ Queer/ Trans artist? Through our various mutual aid efforts and community fundraising we are able to support artists and their communities. We understand that the history of art funding is rooted in oppressive systems of control. We don't just diversify existing art institutions but reimagine art making and art funding on our own terms. We understand art to be the center of reimagining new worlds.


  • Newsletter of jobs, exhibits, commentary, & more

  • Fee waiver on SIP Exhibition Art

  • 2x a year online or hand copy Editorial Book

  • Discounts on designer products

  • All membership fees go towards artist fees, exhibition fees, and SIP Company maintenance


  • Securing funding for BlackIndigenous and people of enslaved ancestry in the U.S. and Canada to buy back their Native and historically labored homelands

  • Distributing land, homes, material wealth to BlackIndigenous peoples and people of enslaved ancestry of the United States 

  • Securing funding to build community gardens and holistic herbal apothecaries in resource-excluded Black and Indigenous communities

  • Money is distributed 2-3 times a year to various different community efforts that fall into this category


  • Distributing funds to art teachers/ educators/ facilitators who are widely underfunded 

  • Distributing funds to schools in resource-excluded neighborhoods to have materials they need to teach 

  • Distributing funds to community freedom schools that are underfunded, centering BIPOC global history, queer centered, trans centered, liberatory learning in healthy sustainable ways 

  • Money is distributed 2-3 times a year to various different community efforts that fall into this category


This will go to 5 Black Queer Artists a year to just rest. This can be used for whatever means they want that provide rest for them. If you are dedicated to Black peoples' rest this is where you can support that intention.

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