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Spiritual is Political's Annual Event

We reground each year on Wampanoag Native lands of Martha's Vineyard to celebrate in black rest and reflect on where we have been and where we are going. 

Black Shedding(s)

Show Dates

August 6th & 7th 2022

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Martha's Vineyard


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About Black Shedding(s)


Black Shedding(s) is a response to the curator’s questions; What are stages of Black shedding(s)? What are land responses to Black Sheddings? What are we becoming? And what can no longer exist?


Black Shedding(s) can be discussed alongside the works of shedding light on/in, rebirth, infusing, transmutation, the science of chrysalis, snake medicine used in various different ways within various different spiritual traditions, and to shed free from.  It can be discussed amongst those of us who know that  [antiracist anticapitalist anticolonial black queer trans feminist] communal practice takes a communal shedding.


A shedding is different from a cleanse, a shedding is a transformation. 

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Collaboration Project 

In partnership with 5th Avenue Theatre, workshops of this production will be shared within community this upcoming Fall 2022

The Messenger

Show Dates

TBD 2022


various locations


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About The Messenger


A musical theatre production that takes the audience on a spiritual journey to answer the question, what is the collective message toward Black Indigenous liberation? It shares an intimate story between a 16-year-old girl and her grandmother about the responsibilities of communicating the messages of the land amongst and beyond one’s community. As the grandmother takes the child on a journey, the audience is introduced to the complexities, sacredness, and love of what it means to take on the role of a Messenger within a community.


MUSICAL COMPOSERS: Jennah Bell, Feza Lugoma, Joseph Serenhes

DRAMATURG: Shawn Rene Graham

PLAYWRIGHT: Cheyenne Wyzzard-Jones

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